Gote-Schniering Lab

Our mission

Fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and connective tissue diseases-associated ILDs, are a heterogeneous group of over 200 chronic lung diseases of different etiologies, which can present with progressive fibrosis that leads to end-stage lung remodeling, and ultimately organ failure and death. To date, the molecular mechanisms causing progressive pulmonary fibrosis are incompletely understood, resulting in a lack of effective therapies and predictive biomarkers for disease progression.

Our research group investigates the cellular phenotypes and circuits driving the development and progression of ILDs, with the goal of identifying clinically relevant biomarkers and novel targeted therapies in the era of precision medicine. To achieve this, we employ a multiscale approach integrating different omics layers including image-omics, single-cell multiomics, spatial transcriptomics and multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging at different spatial scales. By combining patient samples with disease-relevant experimental models, we aim to get a comprehensive phenotypic and molecular understanding of the spatiotemporal disease heterogeneity and identify the key drivers of fibrosis progression.

Our ultimate goal is to translate those findings into clinically applicable outcome prediction models that can inform more precise and personalized diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of ILDs.

Are you interested in becoming a part of our research team? Feel free to reach out via email ( to learn more about potential research projects.