Titleimage: Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR)

The Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern, led by Prof. Mark A. Rubin, MD, was established in 1994 by the University of Bern and the Inselspital (Bern University Hospital). The DBMR is divided in 13 Research Programs with about 100 participating individual labs and several Independent Research Labs whose research spans across all biomedical fields. To realize its mission to bridge the gap between bench and bedside, the DBMR promotes an integrative perspective to clinical research with a strong emphasis in the development of translational approaches, the use of omics and other cutting-edge technologies, and extensive interaction and collaboration between laboratory-based and patient-oriented clinical research. The DBMR is also committed to fostering the careers of young academics.


DBMR Board of Directors - Election 2024

We are pleased to announce the results of the 2024 election to the DBMR’s Board of Directors: Carsten Riether, Marianna Kruithof-de Julio, Thomas Marti and Volker Enzemann (Deputy Director) have been elected to serve a 3-year term starting on July 4, 2024. Our warmest congratulations!!

SNSF Weave Project on tissue engineering to address spine pain

Congratulations to Benjamin Gantenbein, Bone & Joint Program, Christoph Albers, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Insel University Hospital, and Michael Wöltje, Technical University Dresden, Germany, for their Weave Project of the Swiss National Science Foundation! This project is a German-Swiss collaboration on tissue engineering of intervertebral disc replacements with silk as a biomaterial to address disc-related pain.

SNF Grant - “On the role of IL-1 in driving the dynamics of the germinal center reaction”

Congratulations to Prof. Martin Bachmann (PI) and Dr. Paul Engeroff (Co-PI), Bachmann Lab, for being awarded a SNF Grant with the project title “On the role of IL-1 in driving the dynamics of the germinal center reaction”. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is one of the most potent inflammatory cytokines in mammals and serves as a key weapon for the immune system in the fight against pathogens. They recently revealed that in addition to its pro inflammatory roles, IL-1 produced by B cells is key for the germinal center reaction and development of follicular Th cells. They will extend these findings to study the role of IL-1 in germinal center formation and affinity maturation in general.

Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Grant - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Congratulations to Prof. Antoine Adamantidis and Dr. Ludovic Mure, whose project "Impact of altered light perception on sleep regulation in AD" received a prestigious Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Grant by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

SF Board Call 2023

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Andreina Schoeberlein, Prof. Dr. Deborah Stroka, Prof. Dr. Paola Luciani (DCBP), Prof. Dr. Katia Monastyrskaya, PD Dr. Amiq Gazdhar, Dr. Ali Hasemi Gheinani and Prof. Dr. Benjamin Gantenbein on their successful SF Board Call 2023 Grant for establishing an extracellular vesicle (EV) Core Facility to standardize EV isolation, purification, and analysis for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, pushing the boundaries of EV-based technology at the University of Bern.

DBMR Day of BioMedical Research

Impressions of the DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2023! Thank you to all participants, the keynote speaker Prof. Hans Clevers, to our sponsors, and organizing team.



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