The Day of BioMedical Research

Since 1996, the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) has held a Day of BioMedical Research. The annual Day of BioMedical Research has established itself as a forum for researchers to present their work in a poster session and to get insights into the research projects of their colleagues. The event is open to the public, and gives an insight into the clinical and translational research activities at the University of Bern. The Day of BioMedical Research is also an excellent platform for making new contacts and exchanging ideas.

Save the date - Wednesday, July 2 2025

DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2025

The details will be published early 2025. 

DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2024 

The DBMR Day of BioMedical Research was held on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The Program included a lecture by the keynote speaker and the award ceremony of several prizes (details below).

Awards Ceremony:

The following prizes were awarded at the DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2024 (details below):

Keynote Speaker: 

Prof. Katerina Politi, PhD, Professor of Pathology; Co-Leader, Cancer Signaling Networks, Yale Cancer Center; Scientific Director, Center for Thoracic Cancers


Poster Prizes of the Day of BioMedical Research 2024 Benoît Pochon Prize 2023 Prize for the Best DBMR Publication 2023 DBMR Technician of 2024  DBMR Prize for Innovative Research Idea 2024 Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award 2024
Poster Prizes of the Day of BioMedical Research 2023 DBMR Prize for Innovative Research Idea 2023 Prize for the Best DBMR Publication 2022 Benoît Pochon Prize 2022 Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award 2023
Poster Prizes of the Day of BioMedical Research 2022 Prize for the Best DBMR Publication 2021 Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award 2022
Poster Prizes of the Day of BioMedical Research 2020 Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award 2020
Poster Prizes of the Day of BioMedical Research 2019
  • The Alumni MedBern award goes to Vera Lehmann
  • "Headwind: design and evaluation of a vehicle hypoglycemia warning system in diabetes – results from a driving simulator study"
  • The Stem Cell Prize goes to Pascal Näf
    "IL-33/ST2 signaling promotes steady-state hematopoiesis via IL-6 producing ILC2"
Prize for the Best DBMR Publication 2019 Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award 2019